Dec 30, 2015

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News is bundled data about current occasions happening elsewhere; or, on the other hand, news is what the news business offers. News travels through various media, taking into account informal, printing, postal frameworks, TV, and electronic correspondence. Regular subjects for news reports incorporate war, governmental issues, and business, and also athletic challenges, peculiar or strange occasions, and the doings of big names. Government declarations, concerning illustrious functions, laws, charges, general wellbeing, and crooks, have been named news since antiquated times. People show an about all inclusive longing to take in and offer news from somewhere else, which they fulfill by making a trip and conversing with one another. Mechanical and social improvements, regularly determined by government correspondence and undercover work systems, have expanded the pace with which news can spread, and in addition affected its substance. The class of news as we probably am aware it today is nearly connected with the daily paper, which began in China as a court announcement and spread, with paper and printing press, to Europe. The advancement of the electric broadcast in the mid-nineteenth century reformed news by empowering almost quick transmissions, and by engaging a cartel of news organizations which combined the world news framework. In the twentieth century, the style of news and its effect on national populaces extended extensively with steady live TV of radio and TV, lastly, with the promotion of the web.
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Dec 6, 2015

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Delhi defends Nepal policy

Dec 4, 2015-India's Minister for External Affairs Sushma Swaraj on Thursday ensured Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Nepal procedure in Rajya Sabha (India's Upper House), saying India has remained immovably attracted with Nepal in the midst of its persistent political move and has dependably supported early presentation of an extensive based, complete and intense constitution. 

Portraying the Indian PM's two visits to Nepal and her own specific a year back, Swaraj said that Modi had provoked Nepal's power to work with a 'rishi-man' (attitude of a sage) to layout a constitution in light of "sahmat" (accord) instead of "bahumat" (lion's offer). "I assume that this direction, of a neighbor and well-wisher, mirrors the broad supposition of the House furthermore our nation," she said. 

Two days after the declaration of the constitution on September 20, India casually constrained a bar, which has realized exceptional crisis of fuel and essentials in Nepal. India, regardless, has denied any bar, saying disputes drove by Madhes-driven social events were to be blamed for obstacles and that Nepal anticipated that would decide its inside endeavors in solitude. 

In a declaration on calling thought development on "Situation in Nepal and state of Indo-Nepal association", Swaraj said she was ensured by Nepal's Deputy Prime Minister 

besides, Minister Kamal Thapa on Wednesday that there had been some progression in chats with the unsettling social events. 

"This gives us assume that an early determination would be found for the political issues defying Nepal," she said. "We will continue asking all sides to go to an answer inside of the not so distant future." 

She furthermore attempted to legitimize Indian Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar's eleventh hour visit to Nepal as Modi's unprecedented emissary on the eve of constitution decree as his approach Nepal's pioneers to "give more open door for dialog to accomplish wide based affirmation". Jaishankar's visit, on the other hand, in Nepal offered rise to extensive acknowledgment that firstly, it was past the final turning point and moreover, his message and following position pointlessly entrapped the political method in Nepal. 

Swaraj moreover pointed that the new government in Nepal had not propelled changes selected by the Sushil Koirala government. "This has achieved continued with scorn among the bothered sections of Nepal's people, and the situation in various parts of the country surrounding India stays merciless." 

Communicating that the new constitution was noted and saw by India, she said, "Yet we couldn't neglect the way that couple of territories of the Nepali society felt that their leeway had not been managed." She incorporated that driving people from the worldwide gathering and various in Nepal have dynamically taken a position like India's. "The United States, United Kingdom, European Union and the United Nations have discussed the need to ensure an extensive constitution and area significant issues through dialog," she said.
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Nov 30, 2015

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The Oriental Insurance Company

The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. is an open division non-extra security organization in India. The home office of the organization is situated in New Delhi with 30 provincial workplaces and more than 1800 dynamic branches the nation over. The organization likewise has branches in Nepal, Kuwait, and Dubai.  The organization has recorded a gross premium of Rs. 7282.54 crores in the budgetary year 2013-2014.


Oriental Insurance was fused on 12 September 1947 as a legislature claimed non-disaster protection company. It was set up as a totally possessed auxiliary of Oriental Government Security Life assurance c0mpany Ltd. to carry out its parent body's general protection operations.  In 1956, when protection business was nationalized, Oriental protection turned out to be a piece of LIC till 1973. After 1973, Oriental Insurance turned into an auxiliary of General Insurance Corporation of India till 2003 when the organization was de-connected from the guardian organization and set up as an autonomous protection company.  In 2003, the Union Government obtained every one of the shares of Oriental Insurance Company Ltd from General Insurance Corporation of India.
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Nov 29, 2015

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Premier Insurance

Consolidated on twelfth may 1994, Premier Insurance Company (Nepal) Limited has risen as a famous general insurance agency of the second era. The organization has earned a notoriety in the nearby and global protection and reinsurance areas too for its polished methodology and administrations.

Chief's achievement in the protection and reinsurance business owe it self to the strength of mind of its promoter to do well. Included unmistakable business people, the promoters of the organization have brought their encounters, entrepreneurial ability and initiative aptitudes to add to the organization's development.

Chief's most prominent quality is its kin. In a business that starts and closures with individuals, Premier's HR has gigantic obligations on it's shoulders.

Consistently prepared on the most recent innovation, Premier's staff gives proficient support of its clients. They are additionally prepared on creating inventive and specially designed items, better hazard administration arrangements and quality administration for greatest security to clients.

The organization's devotion to give better client benefit likewise reflects through its relationship with driving protection and reinsurance securities of the world evaluated, profoundly for case installment abilities by presumed offices like Standard and Poor (S&P).

Today Premier has the best and the most secure reinsurance game plans to cover a wide range of case settlements.

As a component of the organization's endeavors to serve individuals countrywide. it has built up four provincial workplaces. The Birgunj office covers southern piece of the nation. The Narayangarh and Pokhara workplaces cover the western piece of the nation while the Biratnagar office covers the eastern area of Nepal. New workplaces in different parts of the nation are planned to be opened soon.

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Nov 28, 2015

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National Insurance Company Limited

National Insurance Company Limited (NICL) is a state claimed general insurance agency in India. Its trademark is "THODA easy SOCHO The organization headquartered at Kolkata was built up in 1906 and nationalized in ninteen severty two. It's portofolio comprise of a vast number of universal protection approaches, offered to a wide enclosure of customers including diverse areas of the economy. Aside from being a main protection supplier in India, NICL additionally serves Nepal


After nationalization in 1972, NICL worked as a backup of General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC). NICL was spun off as a particular organization under the General Insurance trade Amendment Act in 2002. In April, 2004, NIC consented to an arrangement withNainital Bank for conveyance of its general protection items through the bank's offices in Uttarakhand, Haryana and New Delhi.

Organization profile

National Insurance Company Limited was joined on December 6, 1906 with its enrolled office in Kolkata. Subsequent to going of theGeneral Insurance Business Nationalization Act in 1972, 21 Foreign and 11 Indian Companies were converged with it and National turned into an auxiliary of General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC) which is completely possessed by the Government of India. After the notice of the General Insurance Business and its India's biggest General Insurance Company(Nationalisation) Amendment Act, on 7 August 2002, National has been de-connected from its holding organization GIC and in a matter of seconds works as a free insurance agency entirely possessed by Govt of India. National Insurance Company Ltd (NIC) is one of the main open division insurance agencies of India. It executes non life coverage business. Headquartered in Kolkata, NIC's system of around 1000 workplaces, kept an eye on by more than 16,000 talented faculty, is spread over the length and expansiveness of the nation covering remote rustic regions, townships and metropolitan urban areas. NIC's outside operations are did from its branch workplaces in Nepal. Befittingly, the item ranges, of more than 200 strategies offered by NIC take into account the various protection necessities of its 14 million policyholders. Inventive and tweaked approaches guarantee that even specific protection necessities are completely dealt with. The paid-up offer capital of National is ₹100 crores. Beginning off with a premium base of ₹50 crores in 1974, NIC's gross direct premium wage has consistently developed to about ₹9000 crores rupees in the money related year 2012-13. National executes general protection business of Fire, Marine and Miscellaneous protection. The Company offers insurance against an extensive variety of dangers to its clients. The Company is favored to provide food its administrations to each division or industry in the Indian Economy viz. Managing an account, Telecom, Aviation, Shipping, Information Technology, Power, Oil and Energy, Agronomy, plantation, overseas deal, Health care, Tea, Automobile, Education, Environment, Space Research and so forth. Starting 2010, NICL has an AAA rating from Indian rating organization, CRISIL, an auxiliary of Standard and Poor's Company. The gross premiums from guaranteeing by the organization developed by 32.22% to over ₹6,100 crores amid the Financial Year 2010-2011. What's more, Gross Premiun grew up to 10,000 crores amid the budgetary year 2013-2014.[10] With this, the organization was positioned second among general insurance agencies working in India, behindNew India Assurance, toward the end of the 2014 Financial Year. With around 1000 workplaces and 16,000 representatives and specialists, the organization works in all of India, and neighboring Nepal.[2]In 2008, the organization marked an arrangement with HCL Technologies worth practically ₹400 crores to outsource the organization's data innovation prerequisites more than 7 years.

Items and administrations

NICL has a scope of scope arrangements focusing on distinctive parts:

•             Personal Insurance arrangements incorporate restorative protection, mishap, property and accident protection scope

•             Rural Insurance arrangements give security against characteristic and climatic catastrophes for agribusiness and country organizations

•             Industrial Insurance arrangements give scope to venture, development, contracts, fire, gear misfortune, burglary, and so on.

•             Commercial Insurance strategies give assurance against misfortune and harm of property amid transportation, exchanges, and so on.


The Enterprise has been the beneficiary of different recompenses and honors including:

•             Business Leader ship award, 2012 by NDTV Profit,

•             Digital Inclusion Awards 2012,

•             Top 100 CISO Awards 2012,

•             The Indian Insurance Awards 2013, third Annual Edition, for -

•             Best Under-served Market Penetration,

•             Industry Champion - General Insurance

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National Life Insurance Company Limited

National Life Insurance Company Limited (previous known as National life and General Insurance Co.Ltd.) was fused in 1988 A.D. under Nepal Company Act 1964 and the protection Act 1968 of Nepal with prime goal to meet developing protection necessities of the nation. For over two decades, National Life has constructed notoriety as an organization that puts stock in largest amount of client's administration. The organization's surely understood name and great notoriety are strengthened by our dedication to convey esteem and administration to all who work with us. Vision, Values, Ethics and Integrity Supporting these endeavors are the National
Life's center qualities
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Paine College

Paine College is a private genuinely dull school arranged in Augusta, Georgia. The school is experiencing budgetary issues and has been determined to post trial supervision by its nearby accreditor the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

Paine College has a 64.4-segment of area (260,617.6 m2) segment of area grounds in the heart of Augusta, Georgia. Most of the school's structures, including living course of action halls, classroom structures, and the library, are arranged in the essential grounds range. The athletic field, activity room, tennis court, and the place of supplication to God/music building are fused into the back grounds region.

A compositionally noteworthy range within the grounds was record on the state Register of Historic Places on December 26, 2012. It was recorded for its duties to preparing and to African-American legacy.

The school's athletic gatherings are known as the Lions. Paine College starting now battles in the nationwide Collegiate Athletic Association at the Division II level as a person from the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (SIAC). Men's recreations that include: baseball, ball, crosscountry, golf and olympic style sports; while women's diversions consolidate b-ball, crosscountry, softball, olympic style sports and volleyball.
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The University of California, Santa Barbara

The University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) is an open examination school and one of the 10 grounds of the University of California structure. The key grounds is arranged on a 1,022-segment of area (414 ha) site close Goleta, California, United States, 8 miles (13 km) from Santa Barbara and 100 miles (160 km) northwest of Los Angeles. Taking after its roots back to 1891 as a self-governing educators' school, UCSB joined the University of California system in 1944 and is the third-most settled general-preparing grounds in the structure.

UCSB is one of America's Public Ivy universities, which sees top open examination schools in the United States. The school is an expansive doctoral school and is sorted out into five colleges and schools offering 87 professional educations and 55 graduate degrees. UCSB was situated 37th among "National Universities", eighth among U.S. state subsidized schools and 28th among Best Global Universities by U.S. News and World Report 's 2016 rankings. The school was moreover situated thirty nine universal by the time senior Education World institution of higher education Rankings and 38th around the globe (tied for seventeenth worldwide in planning) by the Academic Ranking of World Universities in 2015.

UC Santa Barbara is a "high activity" research school with twelve national investigation centers, including the renowned Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics. Current UCSB work force joins six Nobel Prize laureates, one Fields Medalist, 29 people from the National Academy of Sciences, 27 people from the National Academy of Engineering, and 31 people from the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. UCSB was the No. 3 host on the ARPAnet and was decided to the Association of American Universities in 1995.

The UC Santa Barbara Gauchos battle in the Big West Conference of the NCAA Division I. The Gauchos have won NCAA national titles in men's soccer and men's water polo.
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Missouri Baptist University

Missouri Baptist University is a private enthusiastic Christian, coeducational school arranged in western St. Louis County at creve Coeur Missouri. In Aug 2002, the Missouri Baptist College was legitimately renamed Missouri Baptist University. Missouri Baptist offers student and graduate degrees and has a present selection of more than 4,800 understudies on the standard 81 segments of area (32.8 ha) West County grounds and a couple satellite grounds in Greater St. Louis for adult guideline and night preparing.

In 1957, a creating necessity for an ardent Christian establishment in the St. Louis zone incited the opening of a grounds expansion of Hannibal-LaGrange College at Tower Grove Baptist Church. Sixty-eight understudies were enrolled that inaugural year.[5]

Classes for the development concentrate, generally called St. Louis Baptist camups, meet in the actions building of Tower Grove Baptist Church. In 1964, Missouri Baptist College was endorsed as a passionate Christian, four-year human sciences school. Under the backing of Hannibal-LaGrange College and the heading of its pioneer, Dr. L.A. Foster, Bible courses were offered for priests and laymen. In the midst of the second term, a couple of tasteful sciences courses were requested and gave. Understudy sway, close by various leveled work of St. Louis Baptist pioneers, clergymen and laymen, influenced MBU's assent. The at first meeting of the plank of Trustees for Missouri Baptist campus was held in January 1964. Dr. Genuine Kellogg served as the first executive of the Board of Trustees and later as the second president.

In July 1964, pioneers obtained the site of MBU's essential grounds, metropolitan territory close Interstate 270 and U.S. Thruway 40 in West Saint Louis County. In September 1968, 186 understudies began classes, significantly increasing the establishment's size in somewhat more than 10 years. In May 1973, Missouri Baptist College graduated its awesome of twenty-nine understudies, each picking up a Bachelor of Arts degree.

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Hiram College

Hiram College is a private human sciences school arranged in Hiram, Ohio. It was set up in 1850 as the Western Reserve Eclectic Institute by Amos Sutton Hayden and distinctive people from the Disciples of Christ Church. The school is nonsectarian & coeducational. It is endorse by The superior Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Hiram's most understood graduate is James A. Garfield, who in like manner served as a teacher and crucial, and was hence picked the twentieth President of the United States.

On June 12, 1849, representatives of the Disciples of Christ voted to set up an academic foundation, which would later get the opportunity to be Hiram College. On November 7 that year, they picked the town of Hiram as the site for the school in light of the way that the creators considered this locale of the Western Reserve to be "empowering and free of distractions".[6] The following month, on December 20, the originators recognized the suggestion of Isaac Errett and named the school the Western Reserve Eclectic Institute.

The Institute's one of a kind contract was affirmed by the state gathering on March 1, 1850, and the school opened a while later, on November 27. A powerful parcel of the understudies began from the including farms and towns of the Western Reserve, however Hiram soon got a national reputation and understudies began getting in contact from diverse states. On February 20, 1867, the Institute joined as a school and changed its name to Hiram College.

In the midst of the earlier years it was renamed Hiram College, 1850–1867, the school had seven principals, the resemblance today's school presidents. The two that did the most in building up and portraying the method for the establishment were Disciple minister Amos Sutton Hayden, who drove the school through its introductory six years, and James A. Garfield, who had been an understudy at the Institute from 1851–1853 and after that returned in 1856 as a teacher. As essential, Garfield developed the Institute's instructive modules. He left the Institute in 1861 and in 1880 was picked the twentieth President of the United

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Greensboro College

Greensboro College is a four-year, self-ruling, coeducational human sciences school, also offering four graduate degrees, arranged in Greensboro, North Carolina, United States, and connected with the United Methodist Church. It was set up in 1838 by Rev. Wane Doub. The school chooses around 1,000 understudies from 32 states, the District of Columbia and 29 nations.

The vital school to open its doors within the town of Greensboro was the woman's school, Greensboro Female College. The school had a 25-area of area (100,000 m2) grounds near the heart of the city inside what may transform into the College Hill Historic District. The association had its root in 1833, when the Greensboro Female College was created as an establishment for neighborhood adolescents. It was the objective of the Rev. Decrease Doub that the establishment create to serve women.

Through the Methodist Church, an assent was secured in 1838, an event which makes the school a standout amongst the most settled associations of cutting edge training for women in the United States. The campus get the chance to be coeducational in the late 1950s.

The establishment of the first building was laid in 1843, and in 1846 the association opened its approaches to understudies. Young women began from various southern states to wind up the first classes of the new president, the Rev. Solomon Lea, and his staff.

Greensboro College gives a tasteful sciences direction grounded in the traditions of the United Methodist Church and energizes the informed individual, social, and, supernatural headway of all understudies while supporting their individual needs.

The educational timetable includes two semesters and a late spring school session. Full-time understudies must pass on a base insightful stack of 12 credit hours for each semester.
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Mary Baldwin College

Mary Baldwin College is a personal tasteful sciences, master's-level school in Staunton, Virginia, USA. It was set up in 1842 by Rufus William Bailey as the Augusta Female Seminary. Mary Baldwin College is one of three women's schools in Virginia. The four-year establishment offers private student programs for women furthermore co-enlightening adult degree activities and graduate degree programs.

The school is the most prepared foundation of cutting edge instruction for women in the nation backup with the Presbyterian Church,and it is home to the primary each female corp of cadets on the planet. U.S. News and World Report recorded MBC as the Top 50 Regional Universities in the South for the 2015 adaptation of "Best Colleges."

Arranged in Staunton, Virginia within Augusta County, the school was at first settled as the Augusta Female school in eighten fourty two by Rufus William Bailey. Among the school's first understudies was Mary Julia Baldwin. In 1863, Baldwin was named imperative and headed the school through the Civil War, however most schools in the zone had closed as a result of the war and budgetary hardship. The school was renamed Mary Baldwin Seminary in 1895 out of gratefulness for Baldwin. In 1923, the name changed to Mary Baldwin College when the school transformed into a four-year foundation. In 1963, MBC formally completed its methodology of surrendering simply white women.

Right when Staunton Military Academy (SMA) close in 1976, its grounds and structures were purchased by Mary Baldwin College, developing the MBC grounds from 19 areas of area to 54. In 1977, MBC transformed into the first school in Virginia to dispatch an adult degree program. Cynthia Haldenby Tyson was assigned as the school's eighth president in 1985. That same year, the Program for the Exceptionally Gifted (PEG) was set up to allow educationally skilled young women to win four year confirmations

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Nov 27, 2015

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The University of Georgia

The University of Georgia, built up in 1785, and for the most part insinuated as UGA or just Georgia, is an American open range honor and sea stipend research school. Its crucial range is a 759-area of area (3.07 km2) grounds in the school town of Athens, Georgia, around an hour's drive from Atlanta, Georgia. It is seen as the State of Georgia's pioneer school. The school is situated twentieth for the most part talking among all open national universities in the current U.S. News and World Report rankings, and dependably positions as high as 101st among all the top overall schools on the planet. While having high broad evaluations, Georgia positions in the primary 10 for appraisals in a couple fields of study. The school is a bit of the University System of Georgia and is authorized by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. It is designated an "Investigation University/Very High Research Activity" with a "More Selective" understudy body by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. 

Set up in 1785 as the United States' first state-authorized school, it is the most settled and greatest of Georgia's establishments of higher learning and nearby the College of William and Mary and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ensures the title of the most settled state subsidized school in the United States.The school's noteworthy North Campus is on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places as an alloted compositionally huge range, and it and the neighboring grounds zones fuse moving slants and expansive arboreta.
The school offers more than 140 degree programs in a wide show of requests. Involving thirteen libraries spread over distinctive grounds, the UGA Libraries contain a total of 4.7 million volumes and one of the nation's greatest guide gatherings. The University of Georgia is one of 126 section associations that include the Association of Research Libraries.

The University of Georgia is sorted out into seventeen schools and colleges. The school has three key grounds. The greatest one is the key grounds in Athens that consolidates 389 structures, while the two others are arranged in Tifton, Georgia and Griffin, Georgia. The University of Georgia in like manner has two satellite grounds arranged in Atlanta and Lawrenceville, Georgia. The school works a couple organization and exertion stations spread over the state. The total grounds utilized by the school arranged as a part of 30 Georgia areas is 39,950 segments of area (161.672 km²).

The University of Georgia similarly has a private and investigation center in Washington, DC, notwithstanding three overall private and examination centers arranged at Oxford University in Oxford, England, at Cortona, Italy, and at Monteverde, Costa Rica.

Understudy diversions, both varsity and intramural, are a vital bit of understudy and graduated class life. The University of Georgia's intercollegiate amusements bunches, usually known by their "Georgia Bulldogs" moniker, fight in National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I and the Southeastern Conference (SEC). UGA served as a setting up individual from the SEC in 1932. In their 121-year history, the school's varsity amusements gatherings have won 39 national titles and 130 social occasion titles. The Georgia Redcoat Marching Band, the official strolling band of the school, plays at recreations and distinctive event

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Columbia University

Columbia University (genuinely Columbia University in the City of New York) is a private Ivy League exploration school in Upper Manhattan, New York City. Set up in 1754 as King's College by regal contract of George II of Great Britain, it is the most settled relationship of higher learning in New York State, and one of the nation's nine pioneer schools. After the dynamic war, King's College promptly changed into a state part, and was renamed Columbia College in 1784. A 1787 consent set the relationship under a private driving array of trustees before it was renamed Columbia University in 1896 when the grounds was moved from Madison Avenue to its present extent in Morningside Heights including spot that is known for 32 fragments of range (13 ha). Columbia is one of the fourteen setting up individuals from the Association of American Universities, and was the first school in the United States to allow the M.D. degree. 

The school is sorted out into twenty schools, including Columbia College, the School of Engineering and Applied Science, and the School of General Studies. The school additionally has general examination stations in Amman, Beijing, Istanbul, Paris, Mumbai, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago, Asunción and Nairobi.[10] It has affiliations with two or three different establishments neighboring, including Teachers College, Barnard College, and Union Theological Seminary, with joint understudy projects open through the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Sciences Po Paris, and the Juilliard School. 

Columbia reliably manages the Pulitzer Prize.[13] Notable graduated class and past understudies (numbering those from King's College) solidify five Founding Fathers of the United States; nine Justices of the United States Supreme Court; 20 living amazingly rich people; 29 Academy Award winners;and 29 heads of state, including three United States Presidents. Also, to date, some spot in the extent of 101 Nobel Prize laureates have been associated with Columbia as understudies, workforce, or staff, second on the planet in Nobel people to Harvard Universi
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Hacker Organisation Stole $45 Million From ATMs

Boundless Operation, this is the assumed name of the procedure the digital wrongdoing association in charge of the burglary of an astounding $45 millions used to pull back cash from ATMs the whole way across the globe. 

The heist was done in two correctly planned operations that included group individuals in more than two dozen nations acting with great accuracy. In the spot of weapons and veils, this digital wrongdoing association utilized tablets and the Internet. This gigantic 21st century bank heist that came to over the Internet and extended far and wide raising worries about the security of monetary organizations. 

Boundless operation included sharpened PC security masters working in the shadowy universe of Internet hacking, controlling budgetary data and breaking the tight security conventions of major monetary foundations Common road culprits were additionally included, who utilized 

that data to plunder the computerized teller machines.The first team to be have been secured was a road group working in NY, they ventured to every part of the city assaulting ATMs pulling back cash and stuffing rucksacks with money, $2.8 millions altogether. 

Other than the substantial measure of cash included, the burglaries underscored the security powerlessness of budgetary organizations around the globe to programmers attempting to stay a stage in front of the most recent advances intended to impede them. To begin, programmers broke into the arrangement of a Mastercard preparing organization that handles Visa and MasterCard prepaid platinum cards. The programmers then raised as far as possible on prepaid MasterCard charge accounts. Once as far as possible have been disposed of, they could then pulled back for all intents and purposes a boundless measure of cash, which the road group clearly did over the globe. 

The suspects have been accused of trick to submit access gadget misrepresentation, government evasion intrigue and tax evasion. In the event that discovered blameworthy, the respondents every face up to 10 years in jail for tax evasion and an additional 7.5 years for each of the other three charges.
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Baruch College

The Bernard M. Baruch College of the City University of New York, generally known as Baruch College, is a senior (4-year) constituent school of the City University of New York structure arranged in the Gramercy Park territory of Manhattan, New York City. Named for bank and statesman Bernard M. Baruch, the school works student, specialists, and Ph.D. programs through its Zicklin School of Business,as well as the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Public Affairs. 

Baruch is one of CUNY's senior schools, and takes after its roots back to the 1847 building up of the Free Academy,[6] the first association of free open propelled training in the United States. The New York State Literature Fund was made to serve understudies who couldn't stand to enroll in New York City's tuition based schools. The Fund provoked the arrangement of the Committee of the Board of Education of the City of New York, drove by Townsend Harris, J.S. Bosworth, and John L. Bricklayer, which accomplished the establishment of what may transform into the Free Academy, on Lexington Avenue in Manhattan.

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Online Degree

An online degree is an academic degree (generally speaking an advanced education, yet now and again the term consolidate optional school acknowledgments and non-degree revelation programs) that can be earned basically or out and out through the usage of an Internet-related PC, rather than going to class in a customary grounds setting. Changes in development, the extending usage of the Internet around the world, and the commitment for persons to have versatile school schedules while they are working have incited an extension of online colleges that respect accomplice, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. 


The target of informative accreditation, according to the United States Department of Education, is to ensure that undertakings gave by establishments of cutting edge training meet tasteful levels of quality. ENQA, the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, delineates the part of outside quality affirmation in guideline as one that "joins both obligation regarding the encouragement of individuals all in all and an objective and developmental part to improve quality in affiliation". In the of district web educating, it's indispensable to dodge unaccredited declaration forms that offer fake degrees, as these are shockingly essential. Understudies searching for honest to goodness online degrees should gain confirmation of accreditation from a legitimate national or nearby approving body. 

In the United States, online schools that are totally ensure have earned an extensively seen kind of school accreditation from one of six regional accreditation sheets.. Each of six geographic regions of the United States has one of these sheets, a non-administrative association that oversees and confirms degree-permitting establishments headquartered in their domains. The U.S. Branch of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) see the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC) as the approving relationship for partition learning associations and direction programs that offer online degrees. Regardless, DETC accreditation is consistently (however not all around) saw as menial contrasted with commonplace authority endorsement, and close by ensure school may swing down to recognize trade credit from DETC-approve schools more often than they would turn down regarding credit from other regionally authorized schools. 

Outside of the United States, other national and regional measures of authority endorsement get a handle on, and could be exceptionally altered of, division preparing. Case in tip, the Universidad Oberta de Catalunya, generally Open foundation of advanced education of catalonia, has been affirmed by AQU, the association for Quality Assurance in the Catalan University System (a full individual from ENQA), since its introduction in 1995, and has been known as a "gigantic sample of overcoming affliction" as "the world's first relentless, and sensible, reasonable establishment of higher learning". the comparable, in Ireland, the senior educating and Training Awards Council has ensure different online colleges and degrees, e.g. Setanta College. 

Nature of learning online 

Online direction enables individuals living with physical ineptitudes, involved full-time laborers, troopers, those living abroad, and stay-at-home people, among others to have section to approve propelled training. 

The impression of the way of online degrees diverged from on-grounds degrees contrasts. While most major online colleges are regionally affirm, the all inclusive community estimation of their quality is in civil argument. A national investigation of utilizing representatives showed that a slant toward on-grounds degrees exists. In a couple of samples, utilizing managers were unwilling to consider competitors with an online degree. A couple of experts fight that degrees in particular fields are more recognized online ,while a little undertakings are less ideal for online-just schools. 

A study by the Distance Education and Training Council found that 100% of administrators who responded felt that division guideline framework graduates performed better at work as a result of their degree (when stood out from their past execution). Moreover, big enchiladas felt that a specialist tolerating a partition preparing degree considered absolutely, in regards to data learned, to somebody with a tenant degree. after that once more, The Chronicle of Higher Education reported in January 2007 on grave Inc. impression that uncovered 55 percent of supervisor favored routine degrees in overabundance of online ones. 41 percent, for some situation, gathered they would give "measure up to thought to both sorts of degrees". 

The Sloan Consortium, an affiliation financed by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to stay up and enhance the way of detachment preparing, conveys standard reports on the state of United States partition direction. In its 2006 report "Making the Grade: Online Education in the United States, 2006," it communicated that "in 2003, 57 percent of academic pioneers assessed the learning results in online direction as the same or superior to those in take a gander at to look. That figure is at present 62 percent, a little however vital augmentation". 

According to Steve Lohr's article in the New York Times, an important study was done in 2009 that was sponsored by the Education Department. The assembled investigation was from a 12 year period and assumed that web adjusting all around beat eye to eye training by a little however quantifiable edge. Lohr, Steve. "Hesitations On net Classes." New York Times September 13 2010: 3 instructive Search comprehensive Web April 12 2015. 

In a couple cases, an online degree may be effectively unclear from a degree earned in a grounds based venture. The rule is consistently definitely the same, with the online degree containing no unprecedented task. An instance of this is the degree offered to Columbia University understudies who secure a degree through the Columbia Video Network (CVN) versus the grounds based plan. The educator, course, preparation, exams, and unavoidable transcripts and acknowledgment are undefined to that of on-grounds understudies. 

Normality of online direction 

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) coordinated a detachment direction study in light of the 2001-2002 academic year at United States 2-year and 4-year degree-yielding associations that were fit the bill for U.S. government understudy help. The study reported that 56 percent of associations checked on offered detachment guideline courses. The concentrate moreover found that open associations were more inclined to offer partition preparing than private establishments were. 

The Sloan Consortium, considering data assembled from more than 2,200 U.S. colleges and grounds news that just about three point two million understudies took no under one online course in the midst of 2005 (a basic augmentation over the 2.3 million reported in 2004). As demonstrated by the same report, around 66% of the greatest associations have totally online task. In 2010, more-than six million understudies were taking no under one course on the web. Beginning 2013, the amount of understudies enrolled in online courses had rose to more than six point seven million. 

As showed by Steve Lohr's article in the New York Times, a critical study was done in 2009 that was financed by the Department of Education. The assemble examination was from a twelve year period and induced that web adjusting all around beat eye to eye training by a little yet quantifiable edge. 

Cash related aide 

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) drove a division direction study considering the 2001-2002 academic year at United States 2-year and 4-year degree-giving establishments that were fit the bill for U.S. government understudy help. The study reported that 56 percent of associations considered offered partition instructional classes. The concentrate in like manner found that open foundations were more inclined to offer partition direction than private associations were. 

The Sloan Consortium, considering data accumulated from more than 2 thousand 2 hundred U.S. college and school, news that very nearly three point two million under-studies took no under one online course in the midst of 2005. According to the comparative report, around 66% of the real associations have totally online venture. In 2010, more than six million under-studies were taking no under one course on the web. Beginning 2013, the amount of understudies chose in online courses had rose to more than six point seven million. 

According to Steve Lohr's article in the New York Times, a vital study was done in 2009 that was financed by the Education Department. The assembled examination was from a 12 year period and assumed that web adjusting general beat very close training by a little however quantifiable edge.
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Syracuse University

Syracuse University, generally recommended as Syracuse, 'Cuse, or SU, is a private examination school masterminded in Syracuse, New York. The foundation's roots can be taken after to the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary (later persuading the chance to be Genesee College), set up by the Methodist Episcopal Church in Lima, New York, in 1831. Setting aside after quite a while of verbal experience over moving the school to Syracuse, the school was created in 1870, self-administering of the school. Since 1920, the school has isolated itself as nonsectarian, despite the way that it keeps up an association with The United Methodist Church. 

The grounds is organized in the University Hill neighborhood of Syracuse, east and southeast of downtown, on one of the more noteworthy slopes. Its wide grounds highlights a mixed blend of structures, running from nineteenth-century Romanesque Revival structures to contemporary structures. SU is sorted out into 13 schools and universities, with broadly saw wanders in data studies and library science, helper orchestrating, exchanges, business relationship, expansive bearing and wellbeing, diversion association, open affiliation, laying out and the College of Arts and Sciences. 

Syracuse University athletic get-togethers, known as the Orange, join in 20 intercollegiate preoccupations. SU is a man from the Atlantic Coast Conference for all NCAA Division I preoccupations, with the exception of ladies' ice hockey, and the paddling social event. SU is additionally a man from the Eastern College Athletic Conference.

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Fresno City College

Fresno City College (FCC or "Fresno City") is a lesser school in Fresno, California. Fresno City College is a bit of the State Center Community College District (SCCCD), within the California Community Colleges structure, and totally confirm by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. The school offers Associate's Degrees, and understudies can acquire a Certificate of Completion, or trade to a 4-year school of their choice. 

Fresno City chips away at a semester arrangement. The school's sister colleges are Reedley College, arranged in Reedley, California, and Clovis Community College (once known as the Willow International Center) in northeastern Fresno. Additional grounds in the range join the Oakhurst Center (serving the foothill bunches) and the Madera Center (over the San Joaquin River, in the town of Madera). 

Fresno City College was developed by Charles L. McLane, then-manager of Fresno Schools. It was McLane's vision to pass on cutting edge instruction to the Central Valley. After a failed try to start a regular school, he turned his thought in regards to building up the state's first junior school. McLane utilized the 1907 Upward Extension Law that gave close-by auxiliary schools agree to give the starting two years of school rule. The new junior school transformed into a development of Fresno High School, which at the time was arranged at Stanislaus and O paths in downtown Fresno. 

In the spring of 1910, McLane sent a round to the gathering to make sense of what kind of interest existed in building up a lesser school. He checked on supporters of Fresno High School and close-by principals. He got more than 200 responses which were all extraordinary. He didn't get even one dissent. With these results near to, he then offered an explanation to the Board of Education the need a lesser school in Fresno to serve the Central Valley.
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Florida Southern College

Florida Southern College (for the most part suggested as Florida Southern, Southern or FSC) is a non-public school arranged in Lakeland, Florida, United States. In 2015, the understudy masses at FSC involved 2,550 school understudies along and 310 graduate and post-graduate understudies with 130 full-time representatives. The school offers 50 student majors and pre-master tasks, graduate ventures in nursing, business, and direction furthermore post-graduate activities in nursing and preparing. 

Florida Southern is the home of the world's greatest single-site social affair of Frank Lloyd Wright development displaying. For its 2011 and 2012 rankings, The Princeton Review picked Florida Southern's grounds as the most fabulous in the country. 

Florida Southern has won 28 national titles in NCAA Division II contention in a couple recreations, most entirely baseball, golf, swimming, and b-ball. The school's official mascot is Mocsie the water shoe, yet they are in like manner referenced by their handle, the Mocs. The official shades of the school and its athletic gatherings are red and white.

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The University of North Alabama

The University of North Alabama (UNA) is a coeducational school arranged in Florence, Alabama, and the state's most settled four-year state supported school. Including a 130-segment of area (0.5 km2) grounds in a private section of Florence, UNA is arranged within a four-city zone that in like manner fuses Tuscumbia, Sheffield and Muscle Shoals. The four urban groups include a metropolitan reach with a united masses of 140,000 people. 

The University of North Alabama, which lauded its 175th recognition in 2005, has encountered different expansive changes over the compass of its long history. At first settled as LaGrange College in 1830, it was restored in 1872 as the first state-maintained educators school south of the Ohio River. Following a year, it got the opportunity to be one of the nation's first coeducational schools. 

Within the last half century, the University of North Alabama has shaped into an intensive nearby school applying a vital effect over the social, social and financial presence of Northwest Alabama and giving informational opportunities to understudies looking for after student and graduate majors offered through the schools of Arts and Sciences, Business, Education and Nursing and Health. 

UNA has strong obligation to improving insightful quality, an effort perhaps reflected in the 2008 form of U.S. News and World Report's America's Best Colleges, which situated the school as a top level state financed school. 

UNA moreover experienced continued with advancement in 2009, with 7,243 student and graduate understudies chose for the fall semester.

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Southern Arkansas University

Southern Arkansas University (SAU) (once in the past known as Southern State College, Magnolia A&M, and Third District Agricultural School) is an open four-year establishment arranged in Magnolia, Arkansas, in Columbia County, Arkansas, orchestrated under 20 miles north of the Louisiana state line. 

Keeping up a 17-1 understudy to instructor extent, and gloating a family-like environment, Southern Arkansas University offers programs that are unique for the area, including Game and Animation Design with a product building obsession, or an expressions and arrangement focus. The University furthermore gives an outlining project, the primary of its kind in the southern bit of the state. 

In 2002, the University began a vital capital fight, the "Blue and Gold Vision," to upgrade educational and athletic workplaces over the grounds. The Blue and Gold Vision hopes to raise $102.2 million for improvements to the University through a mix of transparent financing. Through the Blue and Gold Vision a couple of new workplaces have been built, including: the Donald W. Reynolds Campus and Community Center, Band Building, Mulerider Stables, University Village, Harton Theater, Fincher Hall, and the Story Rodeo Arena.

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Le Moyne College

Le Moyne College, named after Jesuit minister Simon LeMoyne, is a private Jesuit school in Syracuse, New York, enrolling more than 3,500 student and graduate understudies. Built up by the Society of Jesus in 1946, Le Moyne is the first Jesuit school to be set up as a co-informational establishment. The College is the second-most energetic of the twenty-eight Jesuit schools and universities in the United States, and is the primary sweeping Catholic school in Central New York. 

Le Moyne College's 160-segment of area (0.65 km2) grounds is arranged in the Town of DeWitt, in a rustic private neighborhood. It borders the Salt Springs neighborhood of Syracuse, empowering relationship with the city of Syracuse and regional associations and affiliations. 

In 2014, the Board of Trustees assigned Linda M. LeMura, Ph.D., already the school's official and insightful VP, the fourteenth president, making her the first lay female president of a Jesuit school or school on the planet. 

The Le Moyne College grounds contains 35 significant and minor structures including almost one million gross square feet transversely over around 160 areas of area (0.65 km2). Six significant living course of action entryways and 12 more diminutive private structures range from standard "passage" style through suite, townhouse, and level styles. 

The Noreen Reale Falcone Library was inherent 1981. It houses around 900,000 materials and keeps up its own particular online group file, which is available from both on-and off-grounds PCs. The rule library amassing fuses

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Apr 11, 2015

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Sub-orders of Registering

PC designing

PC designing is a teach that incorporates a few fields of electrical building and software engineering needed to create PC equipment and software.[7]Computer designers more often than not have preparing in electronic designing (or electrical building), programming configuration, and equipment programming combination rather than just programming building or electronic designing. PC specialists are included in numerous equipment and programming parts of figuring, from the outline of individual microchips, individual, and supercomputers, to circuit plan. This field of designing not just spotlights on how PC frameworks themselves work, additionally how they coordinate into the bigger picture.[8]

Programming building

Programming building (SE) is the utilization of a methodical, restrained, quantifiable way to deal with the configuration, advancement, operation, and support of indoctrination, and the search of these methodologies; that is, the use of designing to software.[9][10][11] In layman's terms, it is the demonstration of utilizing experiences to consider, model and scale an answer for an issue. The main reference to the term is the 1968 NATO Software Engineering Conference and was intended to incite thought in regards to the apparent "programming disaster" at the time. Software progression, a extremely utilized and more nonexclusive term, does not so much subsume the designing standard. The for the most part acknowledged ideas of Software Engineering as a building order have been indicated in the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK). The SWEBOK has turned into a globally acknowledged standard ISO/IEC TR 19759:2005.  

Software engineering

Software engineering or registering science (truncated CS or Comp Sci) is the exploratory and handy way to deal with reckoning and its applications. A researcher has some expertise in the hypothesis of calculation and the configuration of computational rule.

Its subfields can be partitioned into useful systems for its execution and application in PC frameworks and absolutely hypothetical regions. Some, for example, computational unpredictability hypothesis, which thinks about basic properties of computational issues, are exceedingly conceptual, while others, for example, PC design, underline certifiable applications. Still others concentrate on the difficulties in executing reckonings. Case in point, programming dialect hypothesis studies ways to deal with portrayal of processing’s, while the examination of PC programming itself explores different parts of the utilization of programming dialects and complex frameworks, and cooperation concentrates on the difficulties in making PCs and calculations helpful, usable, and all around available to people.

Data frameworks

"Data frameworks (IS)" is the investigation of reciprocal systems of equipment and programming (see data innovation) that individuals and associations utilization to gather, channel, process, make, and disseminate information. The study spans business and software engineering utilizing the hypothetical establishments of data and calculation to study different plans of action and related algorithmic methods inside a software manufacturing order. PC Information System is a field contemplating PCs and algorithmic techniques, including their standards, their product and equipment outlines, their applications, and their effect on society while IS underscores usefulness over configuration.

Data innovation

Data innovation (IT) is the use of PCs and information transfers hardware to store, recover, transmit and control data,[35] regularly in the connection of a business or other enterprise.[36] The term is usually utilized as an equivalent word for PCs and PC systems, yet it likewise incorporates other data appropriation advances, for example, TV and phones. A few businesses are connected with data innovation, for example, PC equipment, programming, hardware, semiconductors, web, telecom gear, e-trade and PC services.

Frameworks organization

A framework head, IT frameworks chairman, frameworks overseer, or sysadmin is an individual utilized to keep up and work a PC framework and/or system. The obligations of a framework head are boundless, and differ generally starting with one association then onto the next. Sysadmins are generally accused of introducing, supporting and maintaining servers or other PC frameworks, and anticipating and reacting to administration blackouts and different issues. Different obligations may incorporate scripting or light programming, undertaking administration for frameworks related undertakings, directing or preparing PC administrators, and being the expert for PC issues past the information of specialized bolster staff.
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Apr 10, 2015

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Introduction to Windows 7

Introduction to Windows 7

1. Windows 7 Taskbar
2. Show Desktop
3. Start Menu
4. Shake
5. Pin
6. Jump Lists
7. Snap
8. Windows Search
9. Library (the new My Documents area & more)  etc.

1. Windows 7 Taskbar
You can do so much more from the Windows 7 taskbar. Windows 7's taskbar is greatly improved in two ways. First, you can pin programs to it indefinitely for easy quick launch. Second, on a crowded desktop covered with windows, using the new Aero Peek feature, you can preview individual windows from grouped taskbar applications, and even close documents from the thumbnails themselves. Hold your mouse over the thumbnail to see an even larger view of the file. You can also rearrange and organize buttons on the taskbar, including pinned programs and running programs that aren’t pinned, so they appear in the order you prefer. To rearrange the order of buttons on the taskbar, drag a button from its current position to a different position on the taskbar & as often as you like.

2. Show Desktop
Show desktop on far right corner, but you don’t need to click, just put your mouse over it. If you want to keep the desktop & minimize the files, just click it.
3. Start Menu
In Windows 7, you have much more control over the programs and files that appear on the Start menu. The Start menu is essentially a blank slate that you can organize and customize to suit your preferences. Find a program you want to add & right mouse click & choose add to start menu.

Click on the Start button on left bottom corner.
The Start menu list will appear & if you hold your mouse over the program you will see a list of
recently opened files used by that program on the right. This also shows the location that file was saved
4. Shake
Shake one window to make the others disappear. You can instantly snap your windows to size, and clear the desktop in one motion. As widescreen monitors become more common, easier side-by-side window management and Windows 7 has it built in. The new Aero Shake feature lets you clear the desktop of all background windows by grabbing the top bar of the active window and moving it back and forth quickly.

5. Pin
Pin your favorite programs right to your taskbar. Pinning programs to the taskbar complements pinning programs to the Start menu, like in earlier versions of Windows. When you pin a favorite program to the taskbar, you can always see it there and easily access it with a single click. Windows 7 also includes Jump Lists, so that in addition to launching a program from the taskbar, you can now launch favorite and recent items from that program, just by clicking the same button. You can also move these around to be in the order you want.

6. Jump Lists
Jump Lists are lists of recently or frequently opened items, such as files, folders, tasks, or websites, organized by the program that you use to open them. In addition to being able to open recent items using a Jump List, you can also pin favorite items to a Jump List so you can quickly get to the items that you use every day. On the taskbar, Jump Lists appear for programs that you've pinned to the taskbar and programs that are currently running. You can view the Jump List for a program by right-clicking the taskbar button, or by dragging the button toward the desktop. You open items from the Jump List by clicking on them.
7. Snap
Easily look at two windows side by side. Drag to one side it will snap into place. Drag back and it will go to its previous position. Maximize window by double clicking on the top bar.

8. Windows Search
Instantly find anything on your computer. Click on the Start button on left bottom corner. Click into the Search programs and files area & start typing in the dialog box. The list will start to appear as you type as shown below:

9. Library (the new My Documents area & more)
Libraries are a new way to see your files. Libraries are not folders but areas to locate and find your files. They don’t store your files but gather the files in a way for you to easily locate them. So in other words, in the library are your files that are located in folders in various locations. The four Libraries are Documents, Music, Pictures and Videos. You can also add an external
device to show up in the Libraries. Click on the Library Icon found on your taskbar.
The Libraries area will appear as shown below. You can even filter your search in various way. But remember that you did this!

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